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Bacon Chilli Popcorn in a REDMOND Multi Cooker

Buttery, Spicy and Smoky Popcorn

The scent of buttered popcorn is pleasant and exciting. Pack it in the crispness and smokiness of bacon with a punch of red chili plus other spices, and you've got yourself the perfect snack. Satisfy popcorn cravings with a homemade bucket during family or date night, or when binge-watching Netflix! Here's the secret to this heavenly delicious recipe.

What you need:

  • 100 g smoked bacon lardons, fried;
  • 100 g salted butter, melted;
  • 1 fresh red chili, finely chopped;
  • 2 tsps smoked paprika;
  • cayenne pepper (optional);
  • 2 tbsp oil;
  • 100 g popcorn.

Step-by-Step Popcorn-Making

Bacon chili popcorn can be made in a microwave or stovetop, but is ideally done in a mulitcooker.

Step 1. Fry the lardons until crisp. Drain on a paper towel then cut into smaller bits. Set bacon aside.

Step 2. Place all other ingredients into your multicooker bowl. Mix well.

Step 3. Close the lid and set to Quick Cook at 160C for 10-15 minutes until the kernels stop popping.

Step 4. Mix in the fried bacon and serve immediately.

Popcorn Cooking Instructions

Using a REDMOND, making popcorn in a easy as 1-2-3:

  1. Place popcorn kernels into the multi cooker bowl.
  2. Close the lid and position the steam valve to Normal Pressure.
  3. Press POPCORN and wait for the program to finish.

In the microwave, you basically follow the same steps, only with some micromanaging involved. Fry bacon lardons and save for later. Place all ingredients in a large microwave safe bowl with lid then heat the mixture until melted. Next, add the popcorn and cook on high for about 4-5 minutes. Lastly, stir in the bacon and mix well before serving.

If made on top of a conventional hob, you'd be using a couple of pots and pans. Cook bacon until crisp and set aside. Melt the butter in a saucepan, then add the chili with all other spices then cook until it begins to bubble. Cook popcorn in oil, separately in another pot, then mix everything together.

Making popcorn in a multi cooker remains the most convenient way. No grease, splatters, and burnt kernels to worry about. You can customize the bacon chili popcorn recipe to suit your taste. Put in double the bacon, use your preferred oil, then simply toss the ingredients in one bowl. Now go prep up your couch along with a good movie to watch, and your popcorn will be ready as soon as you are!

Sweet and salty can complement your spicy and smoky treat by mixing in your favorite toasted nuts and pouring caramel over it. Lay popcorn over a bowl of chili and top with grated cheddar cheese. Get creative with your soup by sprinkling flavored popcorn rather than croutons on top. Serve popcorn with chicken fillet to complete your afternoon snack. Make your bacon chili popcorn extra special any way you like!

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