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Payments methods

Product prices in the e-shop are given in euro (EUR).

The e-shop provides several payment methods:

  • Credit card

    Our e-shop accepts credit card payments via PayPal payment system ( This type payment method is secure as it uses the SSL encryption technology. All payment information will be transferred only between your computer and DotPay system.

    The page with an order number and information on further actions on making payment will appear after your order is placed.

    Information about your order and payment will be sent to your email specified during delivery execution.

  • PayPal

    If you have a Paypal account with the pegged credit card you may pay for your order through Paypal. To pay through PayPal after placing an order in our e-shop, you need to go to the PayPal website and follow instructions to complete payment.

    Information about your order and payment will be sent to your email specified during delivery execution.

You found 120 egg(s) and 23 rabbit(s). Your discount — 20%!