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+358 841541699 — Support hotline (Monday – Friday 9 a.m - 5 p.m)

International limited warranty terms and conditions

The warranty is valid within the warranty period specified in the warranty certificate. The warranty is valid from the date of sale, if it is impossible to establish – from the date of manufacture.

The warranty does not apply to products with damages caused by:

  • improper operation, negligent handling, improper connection, non-compliance with the attached manual;
  • mechanical, thermal and other damage, which may arise from the improper operation, negligent attitude or accident;
  • untimely cleaning of filters, dust collectors and other parts and accessories that require regular cleaning and replacement; insertion of foreign objects, liquids, insects, gnawing animals, etc.;
  • power cord damage;
  • connection to the network with the voltage different from that indicated in the service instructions for this appliance or with non-compliance with standard parameters of electricity network;
  • unqualified repairs and other interventions that lead to modifications of the appliance construction;
  • force majeure circumstances (fire, flood, lightning, etc.);
  • exposure of thermally unstable parts of the appliance to high outside temperatures;
  • modified, removed or unreadable serial number.

The warranty does not apply to mechanisms and accessories with natural wear life (brushes for vacuum cleaners, multicooker bowls and baking forms with non-stick coatings, juicing screen for juicers, blades, dust bags, replaceable filters, shampoos, liquids, etc.), and also battery power supplies and battery powers. According to the operational manual periodic maintenance works are not covered by the warranty.

The warranty (and post-warranty) service is valid in all countries, to which REDMOND officially supplies products.

The warranty and (and post-warranty) service is valid for all appliances, certified in the country where this service is provided.

The list of these countries is provided on the websites,

In case of warranty service of the appliance purchased in another country there can be delays, related to supply of replacement parts or technical documentation.

In case of unrepairability of the appliance purchased in another country, issues related to exchange/reimbursement are solved in the point of sale of the appliance.

If any difficulties arise you may apply to REDMOND, regional support centres, the list of which is provided on the website,

You found 120 egg(s) and 23 rabbit(s). Your discount — 20%!