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Multküche REDMOND RMK-M451E (Schwarz) mit Frittierpfanne

Kurze Modells Beschreibung

Die Multiküche RMK-M451E ist ein einzigartiger Herd der nächsten Generation mit 40 Kochprogrammen! Es gibt viele Rezepte, die Sie mit seiner Hilfe zubereiten können; die Multiküche kann tatsächlich eine Reihe an Geräten zur Essenszubereitung ersetzen: z.B: das Kochfeld des Herds und den Multikocher.

MASTERFRY® ist die Technologie des Anhebens des Heizelements, patentiert durch REDMOND , war Ihnen einen hohe Funktionalität des Geräts versichert. Möchten Sie Pfannkuchen zum Frühstück machen oder eine Portion Haferflocken kochen? Heben Sie das Heizelement der REDMOND Multiküche an, platzieren Sie die Bratpfanne oder Sossenpfanne und kochen Sie mit Leichtigkeit!

Anders als Heizelement des Multikochers, ist das Heizelement der Multiküche REDMOND Masterfry® absolut flach, Essen kann einheitlich über das ganze Volumen beheizt werden während des Kochprozesses und das Öl läuft beim Braten nicht in die Ecken.

All die Programme und Funktionen des RMK-M451E sind sowohl mit angehobenen als auch mit niedergelassenem Heizelement möglich, so können Sie die Multiküche mit der Bratpfanne oder anderem hitzeresitenten Kochgeschirr nutzen*, kochen Sie Ihre Lieblingsgerichte für eine grosse Gruppe von Freunden oder machen Sie einzelne Portionen!


* Der Bodendiameter der Bratpfanne sollte nicht die Heizplatte des Geräts überschreiten. Versichern Sie sich, dass die Enden und Griffe des Kochgeschirrs nicht in Kontakt mit den Plastikteilen des Gehäuse- und Dichtrings des Deckels der Multiküche kommen.

Technische Daten

Leistungsaufnahme 860-1000 W
Netzspannung 220-240 V, 50/60 Hz
Fassungsvermögen der Schale 5 L
Beschichtung des Innentopfs/Pfanne Keramik-Antihaftbeschichtung
Display LED
Äußere Abmessungen308 × 305 × 245 mm
Nettogewicht4,3 kg ± 3%
“MASTERCHIEF LITE” (Kochzeit-und Temperatureinstellung) vorhanden
“MASTERFRY” (Abhebbares Heizelement) vorhanden
Warmhaltefunktion für fertiger Gerichte (Auto aufwärm) bis zu 12 Stunden
Vorläufige Abschaltung des Auto aufwärm vorhanden
Aufwärmfunktion bis zu 12 Stunden
Verzögerter Start-Modus bis zu 24 Stunden
Abschaltung der Voice – Signale vorhanden
Zubehörumfang-und Ersatzteile: - Multiküche
- Schale
- Dampfeinsatz
- Schöpfkelle
- Spatel
- Messbecher
- Zange zum Herausnehmen der Schale
- Pfanne
- Joghurtbecher (6 Stk.)
- Zange
- Kochbuch Rezepte
- Halter für Schöpfkelle/Spatel
- Eine Bedienungsanleitung
- Ein Service-Handbuch
- Stromkabel
* Der Hersteller hat das Recht, Änderungen in Design, Beschaffung, sowie der Produktspezifikationen in der Verbesserung seiner Produkte ohne vorherige Ankündigung solcher Änderungen vorzunehmen.

Programme und Funktionen


The multikitchen REDMOND RMK-M451E is equipped with 13 programs for cooking various everyday and festive dishes. The programs allow automatic cooking of a variety of meat, poultry, fish and seafood dishes, vegetarian food, make porridges, soups, side dishes, pasta, pilaf, deep-fry dishes with minimal effort and time.

The MULTICOOK(«Sous-vide») program is intended for cooking dishes at temperature and time parameters set by user. Using the MULTICOOK program, you can proof the dough, make home-made yoghurt and other fermented milk products, caramel and sauces, pasteurize products in the REDMOND RMK-M451E multikitchen. MULTICOOK allows using the multikitchen to cook under sous-vide technology (fr. sous-vide, «under vacuum»), which implies prolonged (up to several hours) processing of products at a relatively low temperature of 60 to 80 °C. MULTICOOK also allows adapting any recipe that you may find in an old cookbook or take from the Internet, to cook it in a multikitchen. The temperature and time are set before you start cooking. Temperature setting range: 35-170 °C; time setting range: from 5 minutes to 12 hours.

The PILAF program is intended for cooking various types of pilaf with meat or poultry, vegetarian pilaf with vegetables and fruits, as well as Spanish paella.

The STEAM program is intended for cooking healthy steamed dishes, light vegetable side dishes and baby food. The program is also suitable for cooking lasagna and other similar dishes.

The SOUP program is intended for cooking sauteed soups (onion soup, minestrone, Spanish garlic soup), cream soups, vegetarian soups and broths.

The PASTA program is intended for cooking various types of pasta, as well as ravioli, polenta and other similar dishes. When water starts boiling, the device beeps so that you can put pasta or dumplings into the bowl. Countdown of the cooking time begins after you put in all the products and press the start button.

The PORRIDGE program is intended for cooking milk porridge from rice, oatmeal, corn and other types of cereals.

The STEW program is intended for stewing meat, fish, vegetables, cooking tagine, chili, goulash and other dishes that require long-term heat treatment with a gradual decrease in temperature.

The BAKE program is intended for cooking biscuits, pies with various fillings, muffins, casseroles, omelets and main dishes baked in foil.

The FRY program is intended for frying meat, vegetables, poultry and seafood, making dressings for soups and some side dishes.

The YOGURT program allows making natural yogurt from milk and yoghurt starter culture.

The BREAD program is intended for baking various types of bread: classic white bread made from wheat flour, corn, whole grain and black rye kinds. The program automatically performs a complete cooking cycle from dough proofing to baking.

The SLOW COOK program allows cooking a variety of slow cooked dishes, for example, classic French beef bourguignon, German shank, Italian Bolognese sauce. The program runs for a long time with a gradual change in temperature from high to low.

The EXPRESS program is intended for cooking rice, buckwheat and other fluffy porridges. During this program, the appliance automatically stops working after the liquid in the bowl has completely boiled away.


The automatic programs of the multikitchen REDMOND RMK-M451E can be used both for main daily meals and for baby food, fondue, halva, drinks, marinades. Besides, RMK-M451E can be used to sterilize dishware and pasteurize some products when you are taking care of a baby or making home-made preserved food.


This function allows changing the settings of temperature and cooking time during automatic programs operation, so that the dishes cooked in the multikitchen always match your taste and preferences! MASTERCHEF LITE allows using the multikitchen to cook under sous-vide technology (fr. sous-vide, «under vacuum»), which implies prolonged (up to several hours) processing of products at a relatively low temperature of 60 to 80 °C. Using MASTERCHEF LITE you can also easily readjust the multikitchen operation to cook complex dishes that combine several cooking technologies (for example, frying and stewing). The function is not available on some programs. Please, carefully read the instruction for your device!


The multikitchen REDMOND RMK-M451E is equipped with an auto-heating function that starts automatically at the end of the cooking process and keeps the dish warm for up to 12 hours. Be sure to use this option wisely, as prolonged heating may dry out your dish. The function is not available on some programs. Please, carefully read the instruction for your device!


If you do need to maintain the temperature for any reason, the function can be easily turned off both during cooking process and when setting the main program.


The function is intended for convenient reheating of cool or refrigerated food to a comfortable temperature.


The delayed start function allows you to delay the program start for up to 24 hours. Breakfast, lunch or dinner will be ready right on time!


Audible signals are used by the multi-kitchen for notification when some programs have reached the operating parameters (for example, the signal beeps when the desired temperature is reached on the FRY program), and at the end of cooking. If audible signals are undesirable, for example, you do not want the child to wake up or be distracted from work, you can disable them beforehand. Bon appetit and good health to you!

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